samedi 19 avril 2008
Bestiole [Not For Sale]
Alors, voici une petite bestiole que j'ai faite et offerte à ma petite soeur pour Noël. Elle n'est donc pas à vendre.
Mais sachez que si vous voulez un modèle similaire (avec des modifications si vous le souhaitez) je peux le réaliser et il faudra compter environ : 9€ / 12€ (sans les frais de port)
Infos :
Hauteur : environ 28 cm
Corps : feutrine rose et tissu en cotton blanc
Yeux : Boutons noir et blanc nacré
Cheveux et noeud de papillon : Tissu noir
=> Tout a été cousu main!
**English Translation**
So, here is a little creature that I made and gave as a Christmas gift for my little sister. So, it's not for sale.
But if you want a similar creature (with modifications if you wish), I can made it and you'll pay about : 9€ / 12€ (shipping NOT included)
Infos :
Height : about 28 cm
Body : pink lightweight felt and white cotton fabric
Eyes : Black and pearly white buttons
Hair and bow tie : Black fabric
=> All is handmade!
mercredi 9 avril 2008
SiSeN Doll [Not For Sale]
Voici une poupée réalisée pour les cours. J'ai pris pour modèle le DJ cyber japonais: SiSeN (voir son myspace)
Tout simplement parce que j'adore le personnage: son style, ses mix, etc... J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à la réaliser, même si ça m'a pris beaucoup de temps.
Si jamais vous voulez la même poupée, je peux la réalisée avec des changements à votre demande. N'hésitez pas à me demander. Cette poupée est longue à réaliser, elle est grande et composée de différents matériaux.
Pour une poupée similaire, il vous faudra compter environ: 30€ / 35€ (sans les frais de port) *prix négociable
Hauteur : environ 45 cm
Pour le reste, il y a tellement de tissus et de matériaux différents que je ne peux pas tout lister (différentes laines et fils à scoubidou pour les cheveux, du skaï, du tissus synthétiques, en coton, etc...). Alors demandez moi si vous y tenez vraiment.
=> Tout a été cousu main
**English Translation**
Here is a doll made for school. I took a japanese cyber DJ: SiSeN as a model (see his myspace)
Because I simply love the character: his style, his music, etc... I took a lot of pleasure to make it, even if, it took a lot of time.
If you want the same doll, I can do it with changes if you ask. Don't hesitate to ask me for this doll/plushie. This doll is very hard to produce, it is tall and composed with a lot of different materials.
For a similar doll, you'll pay about: 30€ / 35€ (shipping NOT included) *price negociable
Height : about 45 cm
For the remainder, there are so much different fabrics and materials that I can't list all (for hair: different teases and wire for scoubidous (= plastic wire), synthetic fabrics, in cotton, skaï (= fabric resembling leather), etc...). So, ask me if you want to know more.
=> All is handmade!
lundi 24 mars 2008
Fly [Not For Sale]
Voici une mouche réalisée pour un cours d'Expression Plastique. Il fallait faire une mouche en volume. J'ai donc réalisé une mouche en peluche! ^o^
Ma prof apparemment en était fan, mais j'ai pas voulu lui vendre . XD Donc je ne compte pas la vendre ici non plus. Mais juste vous la montrer et qui sait peut être voudriez vous que je vous fasse le même modèle ou un peu différent.
Hauteur: environ 11,5 cm
Longueur: environ 31 cm
Corps et tête: tissus rayé bleu et blanc
Dents: tissus blanc
Yeux: tissus violet brillant (à reflet)
Ailes: tissus blanc et fil de fer
Pattes et antennes: chenille couleur bordeau (+ grelots sur les antennes)
=> Tout a été cousu main!
**English Translation**
Here is a fly made for my lesson of Plastic Expression. We had to made a fly in volume. So, I did a plushy fly! ^o^
My teacher loved my little plushy fly. She wanted to buy it but I didn't want. XD So, I don't intend to sell it here too. But I only want to show it to you and, maybe you'll want the same plushy. (I can do the same or a little different)
Height: about 11,5 cm
Length: about 31 cm
Body and head: blue and white striped material
Teeth: white material
Eyes: shiny purple material (with tint)
Wings: white material and wire
Paws and antennas: chenilles (wire roll up with "fur") + bells on antennas
=> All is handmade!
samedi 12 janvier 2008
[New] Ugly Monster [A VENDRE / FOR SALE]
Enfin de la nouveauté! Et cette fois-ci cette peluche est à vendre!
Voici donc un monstre très moche. Le pauvre il est difforme. .__.
Il a donc d'autant plus besoin de l'amour d'un propriétaire, n'est-ce pas?
Il ne vous attendrit pas avec son sourire... débile?
Hauteur: environ 18 cm
Corps: tissu violet brillant (à reflet)
Crête: tissu jaune
Yeux: boutons blancs nacrés
Bouche: fermeture éclair et tissu rouge lorsqu'on ouvre la fermeture.
=> Tout a été cousu à la main!
Prix: 6€ + F.P
* Si jamais mon estimation pour les Frais de port est trop élevée je vous rembourserai la différence.
Frais de Port (frais d'emballage inclus): Me demander pour le calcul
Si ce monstre sans nom (ce sera à vous de le donner) vous interesse, vous connaissez les formalités.
Plus de photos / More Pictures (désolée pour la qualité des photos /sorry for the quality):
**English translation**
Something new finally! And this plushy is for sale!
Here is a very ugly monster. Poor monster... He is deformed. .__.
So, he needs more love than the other, he needs a nice owner, isn't it?
Height: about 18 cm
Body: shiny purple material (with tint)
Crest: yellow meterial
Eyes: pearly white buttons
Mouth: zip and red material when you open the zip
=> All is handmade!
Price: 6€ + shipping
Shipping (package included): Ask me the total. (shipping depend of your country)
If you are interesseted by this monster without name (you will give him a name ^^), you know formalities.
jeudi 22 novembre 2007
Super Neko [Not For Sale]
Voici un mini chat volant très mignon et rigolo. Je l'ai créé pour l'offrir à un ami, par conséquent il n'est pas disponible à la vente. Je le montre simplement pour que vous vous fassiez encore une idée sur mon travail. ^^
Hauteur: environ 12 cm
Corps et Tête: tissu noir
Jambes: tissu rose très fin et élastique
Cape: tissu rose très fin et élastique
Yeux: boutons blancs nacrés
Bouche: fil blanc
=> Tout a été cousu à la main!
**English translation**
Here is a very cute and funny flying cat. I created it to offer it to a friend, consequently, it isn't available for sale. I show it only in order that you will make an idea of my work. ^^
Height: about 12 cm
Body and Head: black material
Legs: very thin and elastic pink material
Cloack: very thin and elastic pink material
Eyes: pearly white buttons
Mouth: white linen
=> All is handmade!
Hoshi [Not For Sale]
Voici Hoshi, ma premier peluche, faite l'an dernier. Je ne compte pas la vendre, c'est simplement pour montrer ce que je suis capable de faire. ^^ Et puis vu le nombre de boutons ça reviendrai vite cher.
Hauteur: environ 27 cm
Corps: tissus bleu (très doux) et jaune
Dents et Yeux: tissus blanc (+ boutons noirs pour les pupilles)
Bouche: tissus rouge
Et beaucoup de boutons!
=> Tout a été cousu à la main!
**English translation**
Here is Hoshi, my first plushy, that I made last year. I don't want sale it, I only want to show you what I'm able to do. ^^ And moreover, seeing the number of buttons, it will be very expensive.
Height: about 27 cm
Body: blue (very soft) and yellow materials
Teeth and Eyes: white material (+ black buttons for pupils)
Mouth: red material
And a lot of boutons!
=> All is handmade!
samedi 17 novembre 2007
Why and How?
Well, I'm a poor student. So I searched a way to win some money and I realized that I like to make strange plushies. I wondered: Why not? 'o'
Maybe there are strange and crazy people who will like my creations! ^^
How to buy?
It's very simple!
- First situation: The soft toy is already for sale on this blog
1. Send me an email at: and tell me what plushy that you want, your payment choice and your country (to calculate the shipping). If I have more of one buyer on a same item, it will be the first email that I will receive who win! ^^ You must be very quick! xD
2. Then, I'll send you an email too in order to confirm your buying and to give you all informations to send me the payment.
3. And you, you will give me the address where my creation have to be sent.
4. When I receive your payment, I ship your order very quickly! ^o^/
5. Your parcel is arrived? Don't hesitate to make a feedback under the post where is your soft toy. And it's important: don't forget to make a feedback (positive or negative feedback) here: feedback.
It's for the future buyers! ^^
- Second situation: made-to-measure (commissions)
1. Send me an email at: with a drawing of the plushy that you want and don't forget to say me where you come from. (France, Europea, USA, Asia, etc...). You specify too:
- His height
- If you want a specific fabric (color, material, etc...)
- And all you will think it will important to say me so that I achieve the plushy of your dreams.
2. Then, I answer you, and I say if it's possible or not. We can also exchange some emails in order to specify the order and after I will give you a rough price (maybe this price will change. In this case it will vary a little, don't worry)
3. I work on your little monster. The waiting depend on my planning and on the complexity of your request. In every case I will keep you posted about his progress very often with some photos, etc...
4. The soft toy is finished! I email you the photo of your soft toy with his final price. If you are ok with all, send me an email which tell me your payment choice and your address. Then I send you the information concerning your payment choice.
5. When I receive the payment, I send your parcel as soon as possible!
6. Your parcel is arrived? Don't hesitate to make a feedback under the post where is your plushy. And it's important: don't forget to make a feedback (positive or negative feedback) here: feedback.
It's for the future buyers! ^^
How to pay?
1. Paypal (prefered)
2. Personal check (only for French buyer)
- Littler in a small letter (well protected)
- Bigger in a parcel (colissimo or chronopost=EMS)
=> Shipping are variables (because of the size and your country)
All my plushies are handmade. I'm not a professional and I don't have a sewing machine! So, sometimes, I may be slow to fulfil some requests.
I use a lot of fabrics: cotton, fine felt fabric, etc... All I found and that I think is beautiful and interesting to work. Price varies according to the quality. But in all way, I always choose good stuffs. Don't worry!
Sometimes, I add buttons, fastenings and harebrained things if you want. It also makes change the price.
The padding is made with a sort of cotton. (special for padding cushions or plushies)
~Don't hesitate to ask me questions~